Reclaim Your Space, Rediscover Your Power.

Harness energetic awareness with the Ancient Wisdom of Feng Shui

Your environment powerfully reflects your life, your subconscious beliefs, and who you are. When we allow our home to be our "mirror," we see our lives more clearly, deepening our awareness to create the lives we desire. Discover the power to harmonize your inner and outer worlds to reinvent what is possible.


Unlock a New You with Feng Shui

Harness ancient wisdom to reclaim your power and transform your life

Your environment powerfully reflects your life and who you are. By transforming your space with Feng Shui, you create the life you truly desire. Harmonize your inner and outer worlds with deeper awareness to unlock your full potential.

Feng Shui Consultant & Holistic Career Coach 

Hi. I'm Elizabeth!

 I help people shift their energy for professional pivots or personal reinvention, using ancient wisdom to foster creativity, deeper awareness, and self-understanding. 

When we intentionally shift our energy, it increases our awareness and improves our circumstances. This leads to more abundant flow, peace, and self-expression, unlocking our full potential and limitless possibilities. 

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Our initial step is to become aware of who we are in our space and, as a result, also in our life and business—to shine a light on our unconscious automatic thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and feelings. We become so conscious that nothing slips by unnoticed. Without criticizing, judging, or placing blame, we become more aware of what is no longer serving us and more clear about who we become. 

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1:1 Coaching

 Together, we honor and listen to your inner guidance. We start by tuning into your environment (work, home, relationships) as our mirror to customize each coaching engagement to be as unique as you are. As a coach, I hold the space for your "becoming," helping you towards your goals, reflecting the patterns and invisible stories, and challenging you—all in service of aligning with shifting your energy towards what is most important. 

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How I Can Help

Together, we re-design your life to...

  • Activate Feng Shui principles to experience profound life transformations. 
  • Learn energetic techniques to quickly release old emotional and mental patterns that block your access to the Universe's gifts and abundance.
  • Release blockages and use the Law of Attraction to bring in supportive people, healthy relationships, a fulfilling job aligned with your life purpose, and greater peace, happiness, and abundance.
  • Connect with your full potential by achieving higher levels of awareness and a deeper understanding of Universal Laws
  • Release limitations and become empowered to co-create the life you desire.
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"I can't recommend working with Elizabeth enough!"

Her background in Feng Shui / energy work, interior design, and coaching uniquely qualifies her for her transformative and uniquely personalized methodology. She takes the time to really understand where you are on your journey and the areas you want to focus on, then applies thoughtful techniques to support you and your goals best. Elizabeth fosters an incredibly safe space and gives the gentle push I think we sometimes need when things need shifting (in the home and in ourselves). I am so grateful I get to work with her :) If you're curious about holistically re-designing your life, do it! You'll be so happy you did - everything changes! 

- Melissa Paakh